Sunday, January 14, 2007

Galloping Sausage

Forget the proverbial 'rotten egg'. The term du jour is now 'galloping sausage'.

My silly sons and I were racing to the front door after checking for mail yesterday. I yelled "last one to the door is a..."

"Galloping sausage," interjected Joseph.

I am always amused by the creative expressions that emerge from their blonde-and-blue-eyed lovlieness.

Alas! Because I was sporting my fabulous three-inch Choos, I was the last one to the door. Lucky me.

I need a rematch.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Joseph Spit at the Bus! when my almost-6-year-old son, Joseph, got off the bus, he spat at it as it drove off! The driver stopped and gave me a dirty look. I was so dumbfounded. I turned to Joseph and he just grinned and said, "Hi, mom, what do we have for snack today?"