Monday, December 18, 2006

The Gift of Time

I really think the best gift you can give is the gift of time. That is precisely what my groovy partner, Jillian, and I are giving each other this year. We spend so much time and energy running our company, (and loving every minute of it!), that we really don't spend time as friends. Instead of exchanging gifts, we are going out to dinner. As we grow into adults, time is precious and limited and time well spent makes happy memories. I hope one day when I am a groovy grandma I will have many happy ones.

1 comment:

iCarly said...

I think that's a great idea. That's what Michael and I should do with our best friends. We never get to see each other and they're newlyweds, Michael and I are getting hitched this year...'we don't need no stinkin' presents'...TIME is what we need!