Friday, August 08, 2008

Ladies, Roast Your Nuts!

Today Jillian and I had lunch with our groovy intern, Christine. It was her last day and we are going to totally miss her! Anyway, Jillian was telling me about her new favorite salad (check out her blog - Interview Mamazine for details) into which she puts almonds. I asked her if she roasted them and she said no.

Seriously, the best thing you can do for a nut is roast it. It literally enhances the flavor tenfold and gives them a nice crunch, too. My favorite nuts to roast are pine nuts and almonds. I add pine nuts to salads and almonds to my soy yogurt in the morning. I also make insanely awesome chocolate chip cookies and add roasted Macadamia nuts to them (I used to live in Hawaii, so it reminds me of my childhood).

It's very simple to roast nuts. Just heat them in a nonstick frying pan for a few minutes over medium heat. They are done when they are fragrant (bonus: the smell is heavenly!). If you're roasting a large quantity, just put them on a baking sheet at 350 degrees for a few minutes. IMPORTANT: Nuts burn easily so it is absolutely essential to stir them constantly (even in the oven). Do not even make a quick phone call or anwser the door when you are roasting nuts!

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