Sunday, October 14, 2007

My new fave

Almost two weeks ago, I modeled fashions of famed India designer Meera Madahevia at the Newark Museum. Seriously, it was such fun. I donned an elaborate gold sari and some other amazing fashions and accessories. In order to create effect, a fabulous MAC makeup artist was hired. Her name is Sena and she got me hooked on...fake eyelashes. Really, they made me look so oh-la-la. I was hooked!

The other day, my grandmother was babysitting my son. Grammie is a wonderful lady - she brings over a great big bag of candy and leaves when she runs out. Anyway, I was wearing my fabulous Brigitte Bardot lashes and she loved them. "I'm going to get a pair" she said.

The next time I saw her, Grammie was wearing fake eyelashes! Now I have to get her into Brazillian bikini waxing...