Friday, August 25, 2006

Virgil - One Groovy Greek

My life verse: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Virgil.

I would like to take the time to acknowledge the people who have been kind to me in business:

Jillian, my great partner, friend and inspriation
Deidre, thank you for your wisdom
Lou, yes - you are a 10...but what am I?
Lori Ann, for being 'there'
Lisa, for making me look beautiful
Shawn, for giving me perspective on the mean elephants
Stacey, my wonderful publicist
Jacqui, for your insight
Jeanne, for your friendship

Thank you for your positive energy. I hope we will all enjoy success together.

And thank you, Virgil, for giving me such an inspirational quote.

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